Category Archives: Bottle Feeding
Many mums bottle-feed their babies, and we know how hard it is to find unbiased information about giving your baby a bottle. We’ve put together a comprehensive resource on bottle-feeding, including tips on establishing bottle-feeding, what equipment you’ll need to bottle-feed, how to mix formula, how to sterilise and clean your bottles, and advice from bottle-feeding mums to give you confidence and reassurance.
Postnatal Depression
Breastfeeding and Postnatal Depression - How breastfeeding was a burden
Pumping at Work is Hard Work
A mum shares her experience of working and continuing to breastfeed by expressing, and just
Switching to Formula
When mothers decide to switch from breast to bottle feeding, it can be hard for
Nicola’s Story of Feeding Stress versus Bonding
Nicola shares her story. "I look at my daughter looking at me from
Formula Top Ups
Combined Feeding. Mums share their experiences giving their baby a formula top-up. Combing
Warming Breast Milk while Travelling
A few tips on how to transport and warm breastmilk for baby while travelling -