Breastfeeding Help
Help and support with common questions and concerns about breastfeeding. Establishing breastfeeding can be challenging but is ultimately rewarding for both mother and baby.
Here is expert advice on breastfeeding and answers to your common questions and concerns about breastfeeding your baby.
If you have any breastfeeding questions that aren’t answered here, please email us for free, supportive advice and help.
20 Tips To Make It Easier
Breastfeeding Tips to make it easier - Oh Baby Magazine Feature, written by Frances McInnes
Banish the Nosey Parkers
Banish the Busybodies and Nosey Parkers!! 10 comebacks to say when people comment on
Breastfeeding and the Working Mum
Breastfeeding at Work. Here are some ways to make breastfeeding and working possible.
Feeding to Sleep Cycle
Do you "Feed Your Baby to Sleep?" Here are some tips from mums on how
Breastfeeding with Bigger Boobs
Breastfeeding with bigger boobs. If you’re blessed with larger breasts, you may find that breastfeeding
What Happens When My Milk Comes In
Most new mums will agree that the few days following the birth of your baby
Remedies for Hayfever while Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Remedies for Hayfever while Pregnant or Breastfeeding
Tongue Tie (shared experiences from mums)
Tongue Tie & Breastfeeding. 100 women share their experience of breastfeeding baby with a
Raynauds Syndrome
Painful Breastfeeding could be Raynauds Syndrome - Nipple Vasospasm
Raynauds (Chilled Nipples)
Painful breastfeeding could be caused by Raynauds (Chilled Nipple)