When is Best Time to Express

Attention mums that pump liquid gold – how did you build up your stash, and when is the best time for you to express?

We asked this question on our Facebook page recently, and got these replies.


I express as soon as the kids are in bed even 10mls helps built the stash


I always pump straight after morning feed as that seems to be when I’m the fullest. Then make sure you drink lots of water to help make more for the next feed.


I use to express in the morning after waking up


Yep straight after morning feed.


My little one had a “favorite boob” and she would snack-feed almost exclusively from her favorite. I’d attach her to her favorite side, football hold, then attach the pump to the other side. Her sucking triggered a let-down in both sides and I’d get much more milk than if I just tried pumping alone.


I didn’t have a set time/routine and did it when I remembered to/needed to. I had a ridiculous amount of milk though so it was just waiting to escape


Last thing at night I empty my boobs and get around 180ml. Then my hubby goes in with a breast bottle at 11pm meaning if I need to go and sleep from the last feed (around 7pm) until 2am I can. We’ve done this with all four babies from 1 week old…makes it so much easier to wean as they are used to the bottle. Also awesome bonding time with dad…and you always have a stash in the freezer


drink ridiculous amounts of water! breast milk has heaps of water in it and most mums don’t drink enough. the more I drink, the more I make to express


Just after feeding works, and eat, drink enough so your body can make food (milk)


I freeze mine in an ice cube tray (about 10ml per cube) and then pop them in a freezer bag so we can defrost exactly how much we need when we need it.


Lactation tea, blessed thistle tablets and fenugreek tablets are great for increasing your supply.  I like to express in the morning if possible while I have a good supply full of yummy goodness.


My son is almost 8 months old and I work full time. I pump twice at day at work (10am and 2pm) since he’s not into eating much solids yet and only has breast milk otherwise


first thing in the morning, feed on one side while expressing on the other


I feed from one side and pumped the other at every feed;


I pump each side at the same time after every feed and drink loads & loads of water eat regularly also. The more I pump the more liquid gold comes out in volumes