Category Archives: Expressing Help

Your stress-free guide to pumping breast milk. When you first get started expressing breast milk, it is hard to know if you’re using the breast pump properly, how much milk to expect your breasts to produce, and how to get into a rhythm with pumping.

Here’s info on how to use a breast pump, how often you should pump milk, what to do if you’re not getting enough milk, and help for working mums expressing breast milk at work.

Basic Expressing Instructions

Basic instructions on using a breast pump. How to use a breast pump, and

Breastmilk Storage

Breast milk storage guidelines. Some tips on how to express and store breast milk

Breastshield Sizes for Pumps

Breastshield Sizes for Breast Pumps - we have different size breast shields which may help

Expressing Breast Milk

Expressing breast milk to feed your baby breast milk in a bottle, this can be

How to Express Breast Milk

A few tips on how to express breast milk from your breasts - to relieve

Low Milk Supply and Breast Pumps

A mother recently wrote to us with a plea for help. She had cracked

Pumps and Bottles

Breast Pumps and Bottle Choices for returning to work. Some questions answered so you

What Volume of Milk Can You Pump?

Expressing breast milk? How much volume can you expect? Lots of mums have

Attitudes about Expressing at Work

Expressing at Work. How to do it, where to do it. Any attitudes

Combining Work and Breastfeeding – Tips from Mums

Tips on returning to work and continuing to breastfeed baby. Shared tips from mothers