Top 10 Metabolism Boosting Foods

Top 10 Metabolism Boosting Foods

 The overriding principle of weight loss is that you consume fewer calories from food and drink than those you use for everyday activities.

The rate at which your body burns calories is known as your metabolism, and research suggests that there are several things that can be done to speed up your metabolism so you burn calories more quickly, and one way is to eat ‘metabolism boosting’ foods.

Oats Eating oats is an ideal way to kick start your metabolism in the morning and to start burning off those calories because oats are a low GI food so they’ll stablise your blood sugar, reducing the desire to snack between meals.

Yoghurt Yoghurt is a fantastic mix of healthy carbs, protein and fat and can help balance your blood sugar, curbing appetite and food cravings.  Low fat yoghurt is high in protein that is harder for the body to digest – the body uses more energy in the digestion process meaning calories are burned quicker.

Coffee and Tea Caffeine raises energy levels and makes the body more alert. However, it is also s stimulant and can stimulate appetite – at any time coffee should be drunk in moderation as too much coffee can lead to irritability and difficulty in sleeping, for you and bubs.    A better choice is green tea has similar metabolism boosting properties but less caffeine.

Capsicum It is thought that capsaicin, found in capsicum peppers, is one of the most efficient ways of boosting the metabolism. Capsicums are great eaten raw in a salad or as a snack, roasted in the oven or added into pasta sauces and soups.

Garlic and Ginger Chemicals in ginger and garlic raise the body’s temperature and speed up the metabolism.

Broccoli Broccoli is one of the healthiest veggie choices you can make, as well as being low in calories and fat, it is high in vitamins and minerals, and provides a source of naturally occurring plant chemicals thought to fight off cancer.

Lean Meat and Poultry Lean meat and poultry boosts the metabolism and helps to build extra muscle tissue in all areas of the body.

Spinach This green leafy vegetable is packed with vitamins and minerals and is an important source of iron.

Almonds The fats in almonds help raise metabolic rate and burn calories more quickly.  They are also full of heart-healthy oils, meaning that they’re good for your health.  The downside to eating almonds is that they are high in calories so only eat about 14 -15 at a time, which is around 100 calories.

Berries Berries like blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries and blackberries are packed full of antioxidants and nutrients and when free radicals start to accumulate in the body they start to cause damage such as cell damage, weight gain, inhibited muscle growth and disease.

This article was written by Nic McCondach from visit the website for recipes, exercise advice, weight loss plans, motivation