Honest Breastfeeding Tips

We did another survey on our Facebook page trying to get some real information on the internet, so that other mothers can benefit from honestbreastfeeding advice.

I asked mummies out there to share their Top Tip for Breastfeeding

Here are some replies…

Kylie: Express early morning (2am), bottle feed @ night, it means the fuller fat morning milk knocks bubba out at night (milk drunk) and when you have had a busy day you don’t have to worry about having less to offer. & dads can feed bub2.

Sally: Don’t be afraid to try nipple shields if you can’t feed properly to begin with. We fed with shields for 6 weeks solid and now bubs is feeding without them. If they mean you can stay breastfeeding, try them.

Donna: Get a big container of mixed nuts/scrogin/what ever dried fruits etc you enjoy and munch away whilst you feed. Its so hard to get time to eat in the early days and its good for you! And apparently almonds are great for milk production

Katie: i think people who say that breastfeeding should be pain free are setting new mums up to fail. know that it might hurt, ask for help, there are lots of things that can be improved/helped. but be the momma bear – this is your baby, only you have the best for her!

Angela: Persever with it, it can be strange and difficult at first. Enjoy the time feeding your baby and having them close. Don’t rush them and it will all come together! And, drink lots of water!

Sarah: If it is important to you don’t give up. Give it at least 6 weeks! Things generally settle after 6 weeks. If it is a question of quantity/quality there are things you can do to help, don’t let anyone make you believe you can’t make enough or good enough milk.

Rochelle: Have a breast feeding plan! Nearly everyone thinks about a birth plan but a breast feeding plan may be more important, especially considering you intend to (hopefully) breast feed for much longer than labour lasts!

Jessica: If it starts to hurt, make sure you talk to someone who has some experience to help you. A lactation consultant saved my life (and my boobs!) so get in to see one as soon as you can if you think you need some help. It’s better to see someone who’ll tell you everything is normal, than to hold back and exacerbate the problem.

Libby: READ READ READ READ. Don’t think its going to be easy. Like any part of parenting, it has to be learnt. Ask anyone and everyone for advice and help. Don’t rush it.

Catherine: Before I sat down to breastfeed – I always made sure I had a burp cloth, spare breast pads, the phone and a water bottle in reach so that I didn’t have to get up for anything. Sometimes the remote can come in handy too!

Liss: lots of skin to skin contact from the first moment you can until breastfeeding is WELL under way. Also every baby needs to be checked for tongue tie a little known but BIG problem for latching with a very simple solution. A good private lactation consultant is worth her weight in gold!

Rebecca: Agree with Kylie – express in morning so you can feed baby that fatty milk at evening bedtime. Baby is out like a light in no time and not on your boob for 2 hours trying to get enough to last the night.

Miriam: I agree with Katie- breastfeeding can hurt- even when you have attached the baby properly. I had a lot of problems early on and even after the mastitis and cracked nipple and everything else had cleared up I still had agonising pain in my right breast at 3 months which was a constant- it got worse when I fed but was always there. I stuck with it and we feed without any problems at 9 months. My tip is to persevere but do what you have to do and don’t assume that just because your experience isn’t textbook- that doesn’t mean you aren’t doing it right. Drink loads of water and make sure you always have a burp cloth and anything else you think you might want with you before you start.

Lisa: Make sure you are comfortable, don’t slouch and try and relax – it’s hard enough work at first without a sore neck or back as well!

Jodee: BabyBaby Breast feeding Pillow, bottle of water, phone, TV remote and lots of perseverance. Sit on the sofa with a small pillow or cushion behind your back so feet are flat on the floor. Bring baby up to you – do not lean over to accommodate baby. Breathe through the initial latching and let down then try to relax. It does get easier!

Angela: Wow – as a new breastfeeding Mum (baby is 6 wks on Thurs!) – I have to say – the other tips I have read are fabulous – and I totally agree! Thanks!! 🙂

Avril: Perseverance! and plenty of that lanolin cream that comes in the yellow tube. It was so painful at first…I thought I will try to do this for three months, well she is 11 months next week and still only fed booby milk (no formula). I express every evening for the next night, so that hubby can give her a bottle in the evening. I also had trouble with a low milk supply until my midwife prescribed a tablet called domperdone in week three. Since then I have taken them two tablets twice a day ever since….(my Dr prescribes them for me now)

Catherine: Support! I could never have kept going without my husbands support. We struggled for nine weeks before things started going (relatively) smoothly. Also i just kept saying “I’ll keep trying, just for today”

Anita: Go to a breastfeeding class before baby arrives. It’s separate to Anti Natal and I highly recommend to every new mum. I went to the North Shore Hospital Class.

Angela: If things are getting rough and sore in the beginning, cracked nipples, bleeding, or thrush… nipple shells (that let the nipple air out) are absolute gold and help nipples heal so you can continue. I called them my Madonna boobs (as they stuck out so much) and can’t recommend them enough. Avent Breast Shells.

Michelle: None of the nurses seemed to be able to tell me how baby’s supposed to latch on – all they could say was baby to breast, not breast to baby. Yes that’s true, but I was still having trouble until a midwife told me to imagine a sandwich – hold your breast between your thumb and other fingers like a sandwich, at the same angle as baby’s mouth. Then bring baby to the sandwich – she latched on fine afterwards, and I wore the nipple shields for 3 days until the cracks healed.