Category Archives: Feeding Stories
Real-life breastfeeding experiences from honest mums. Breastfeeding comes naturally to many mums, yet other mums struggle with establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship.
These inspiring and honest stories of breastfeeding by real mums give insight to one of the most private yet important aspects of the mother-baby relationship.
The unvarnished truth about breastfeeding – the good, the bad, and the things mums wish they’d been told – all here for you to learn from.
Bottle Feeding Tips
Bottle Feeding Advice for those that are formula feeding their babies. Just some tips
Bottle to Breast
One mother shares her experience of bottle feeding (expressed milk) and then eventually fully breastfeeding.
Bottles Just In Case
Breastfeeding Bottle Feeding words of wisdom from a mother "Do what's best for your child
Breast or Bottle an Experience with Both
Breast or Bottle? One mother's experience with both. Remember that the important thing
Breast Reduction Surgery & BF
One mum shares her experience of having a breast reduction surgery, and YES being able
Breastfeeding and Expressing over 21 months
Breastfeeding story shared with Breastmates from a real mum. This mother breastfed for 21
Breastfeeding Anywhere Mantra
I Will Feed my Baby Anywhere - a little mantra adapted from Dr Seuss
Breastfeeding in Park
A mum shares her breastfeeding photo and caption. Her baby was born 3 weeks
Breastfeeding in Public
Breastfeeding story shared by a Breastmates customer recently. This was her second baby and
Breastfeeding is a B i t c h
Establishing breastfeeding can be difficult: one mother shares her story