Category Archives: Feeding Stories
Real-life breastfeeding experiences from honest mums. Breastfeeding comes naturally to many mums, yet other mums struggle with establishing a successful breastfeeding relationship.
These inspiring and honest stories of breastfeeding by real mums give insight to one of the most private yet important aspects of the mother-baby relationship.
The unvarnished truth about breastfeeding – the good, the bad, and the things mums wish they’d been told – all here for you to learn from.
Second Baby Not Always Easy
A mother shares her story to let other second time mothers know that breastfeeding might
Silent Reflux
One mum share's her story about identifying Silent Reflux and getting her baby through it.
Special Moments for Busy Mums
A busy mum shares a little insight into her baby feeding days, and reflects that
Stressful Breastfeeding to Start With
Learning to Breastfeed is Stressful to begin with. You can be so sore, bleeding,
Switching to Formula
When mothers decide to switch from breast to bottle feeding, it can be hard for
The Road to a Happy Baby
A mother shares her experience with low milk quality, "hungry farts" and her dedicated efforts
Tongue Tie
Baby has tongue tie - trouble with breastfeeding
When to Start a Bottle
We suggest you get baby started on a bottle early, so that they can switch
Oversupply of Milk
A mother shares her story about over supply of breastmilk that lasted for months and
Breastfeeding Twins with Determination
A mum shares her story of breastfeeding twins, and how she overcame many obstacles and