Twins Breastfeeding


Breastfeeding Twins – A shared story from Amanda

“I tandem fed William and Simon from the start and with support from my midwife, husband and family continued for over 12 months until they weaned themselves.

It wasn’t always easy and took a lot of will power and food to keep going, but it was worth it!

This photo was taken the day the boys were born and I certainly look like I have spent the day being busy!

William was born first on 26 January 2007 at 7.37am by ventouse and forceps with an epidural and Simon was born at 10.29am by emergency caesarean section. They were born at Christchurch Womens Hospital.

I had a lot of comments about even trying to feed them and it was not always helpful. My feeling was that I would at least try to get enough milk and if I tried hard and it didn’t work out then I would use formula.  I knew it would be hard but worth it. Luckily it did work out for me and the boys. That pillow was my most essential item, I was lost without it! All the hospital midwives thought it was amazing when my husband brought it in the day after the boys were born”


Amanda is an inspiring mums for other twin-mums!!!  Well done to you, and thank you for sharing these precious photos and your inspiring words with Breastmates readers.