Category Archives: Starting Solids

Tips for starting your baby on solid foods from mums who know. How do you know when your baby is ready to start solids, and what foods should you give them first, in what order?

Should you give your baby solid foods before or after a milk feed, and when should you introduce lumps and pieces of food instead of just mash and puree?

Here’s what you need to know about starting your baby on solids, in basic, easy to understand language, as well as suggestions for ideal first foods.

Natural Teething Gel

Natural teething gel is a must-have

Silicone Teething Feeder in Action

This happy chappy is munching on some frozen banana - and not making a big

Feeding Little Tummies Cookbook

Recipes for baby food. Baby and toddler meals. A wonderful cookbook available online

So your baby is Starting Solids?

Tips and information about starting your baby on Solids. How to know when your

Is Baby Ready to Start Solids

Introducing solids to your baby's diet, and breastfeeding. Some tips from Breastmates, and signs

Introducing Solids

Starting your baby on solids, a few tips on how to start, and what baby

Finger Food and Snacks

Snack food and finger food for toddlers.