Author Archives: Franny

Mary Shares Her Birth Story

Mary shares her birth story, the epidural got her through the intense pain of an

3 Hour Natural Labour

A mum shares her birth story - a 3 hour natural labour, though she did

Am I really in Labour?

A mum shares her birth story, she didnt really believe she was in labour.

Didn’t Realise I was in Labour

A mum shares her birth story, she says she didn't initially realise that she was

Down Syndrome

A mum shares the birth story of her baby born with Down Syndrome. She

Midwife Breaks Waters

A mum shares the story of her home birth, which proceeded quickly after midwife broke

Natural Birth

One mum shares her birth story, 5.5 hour labour and baby born within half an

Quick Labour

A mum shares her birth story, a quick five hour labour where contractions quickly intensified

Sunny Side Up

Birth Story shared by a mother. Her cervix wasn't dilating but a synto drip

What is Hypnobirth?

Hypnobirthing... What is it? What does it mean? A power of mind during