Author Archives: Franny

Small Business Battler

Supreme Award winner Breastmates is an excellent example of a ‘Zero to Hero’ business.

Breastmates Friendly Feeding Awards (Finalists)

Breastmates Friendly Feeding Awards 10 Finalists 2010

Where Breastfeeding is Welcome

Breastfeeding can be difficult to start with. A New Zealand mum shares her story

Personalising Her Brand

Breastmates social media campaign (Facebook) a case study and interview with NZ Business Magazine.

Preparing for Breastfeeding

How to prepare for breastfeeding while still pregnant. Here are some tips that we

Breast Places to Feed Your Baby

Breastmates Breastfeeding Awards 2010 - one finalist is Addington Coffee Co Op

Good Magazine

Brighten up a mum's day by sending her a certificate in recognition of her parenting

Her Business May 2010

Her Business Magazine feature a two page spread about Breastmates, starting a home business 5

Breastfeeding Older Babies Still Taboo

Breastfeeding in public, breastfeeding older babies, breastfeeding in a restroom, support for breast or formula

WOW Awards 2010

Breastmates Bizarre Bra entry in the Montana World of Wearable Art Awards 2010.