Breast Places to Feed Your Baby


Breast Place to feed your baby

Coffee Co-op in line for award

by Luke Thomas, Christchurch Mail

7 April 2010

Trim is not the only milk flowing freely at the Addington Coffee Co-op.

The cafe is one of 10 finalists in the inaugural Breastmates Friendly Feeding Awards.

It is in line to be named the country’s best public breastfeeding place in the country as voted by mothers online.

The owners were bemused by the nomination and weren’t too sure what to say.

“Its a funny one,” sales manager Jared Gardiner said.

“It’s not exactly something we were aiming for, but it’s good that mothers feel comfortable here to do that.

“I guess it’s kind of cool as well because I know that in public it (breastfeeding) can be a bit awkward sometimes, so we would be encouraging of it.”

The nominees were selected by the 3000 Breastmates members on Facebook which were then judged on a criteria such as nappy change areas, couches, easy parking, stroller access, high chairs and friendly staff.

Mother Jo Bunting said it’s good for breastfeeding mothers to have a place where they can feel comfortable to feed their babies.

“You just feel really comfortable here and it’s great that the staff are so accepting as well. It just makes it easier,” she said.

“I was in Northlands Mall one day and three generations of women were staring at me feeding him and the older one looking at me strangely.

“Another time I was in the centre of a cafe in Riccarton Mall and a lady came over and said ‘good on you for breastfeeding in public.’ So that made me feel better about it.”

Breastmates owner Frances McInnes said the competition was aimed at supporting mothers who wanted to breast feed outside the house.

“The idea is to give mothers some good places to go,” she said.

“For new mothers their whole life becomes centered around feeding their baby and some just end up staying at home.

“We also want to encourage women to keep breastfeeding. I understand some women choose to stop earlier than others, but we don’t want it to be because of an embarrassing moment in public.”

Christchurch city centre’s Joe’s Garage was another finalist in the competition.

The winner will be announced later this month.

Pictured: More Milk: Mothers agree en masse that Addington Coffee Co-op is one of the most comfortable places to breast feed in public. From left Lisa Bodley with Ari (7 months), Emma Read with Freddie (5 months), Imogen McDonald with Maddison (18 months), Sara Brockie with Eva (11 weeks) and Jo Bunting with Cooper (14 months)