Author Archives: Franny

Worst Things to Ask a Pregnant Women

We asked 125 pregnant women what were the most annoying things people said to them

Pregnancy Capsule Wardrobe

How to create a pregnancy wardrobe. Tips and suggestions about maternity clothing from Breastmates.

60 Percent of Mothers Get Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks - here are some real images that women have shared with us.

Real Pregnancy Photos – a Collage

Real Pregnant Tummies - a collage of hundreds of pregnancy images that have been shared

Pelvis Pain when Pregnant

Did anyone have pelvis troubles when pregnant? [Symphysis Pubic Dysfunction] Shared experiences from some

Sex During Pregnancy

Sex during pregnancy is a touchy subject. A lot of myths and misconceptions exist about

Encouraging IVF Stories

Encouraging IVF stories

All you ever wanted to know about… Placentas

What does a placenta look like? What to do with your Placenta

Buying Maternity Clothes

Maternity Clothes : How to buy maternity clothes, and what to shop for.... Then

Weird Body Changes During Pregnancy

Pregnancy Challenges ** Many mums-to-be also endure their fair share of unusual & amazing