Author Archives: Franny

Breast Reduction Surgery & BF

One mum shares her experience of having a breast reduction surgery, and YES being able

Breastfeeding and Expressing over 21 months

Breastfeeding story shared with Breastmates from a real mum. This mother breastfed for 21

Breastfeeding Anywhere Mantra

I Will Feed my Baby Anywhere - a little mantra adapted from Dr Seuss

Breastfeeding in Park

A mum shares her breastfeeding photo and caption. Her baby was born 3 weeks

Breastfeeding in Public

Breastfeeding story shared by a Breastmates customer recently. This was her second baby and

Breastfeeding is a B i t c h

Establishing breastfeeding can be difficult: one mother shares her story

Breastfeeding Shouldn’t Hurt

Breastfeeding Shouldn't Hurt

Breastfeeding Through Mental Illness

One women's journey of breastfeeding through mental illness

Breastfeeding Tips from a Mum

Breastfeeding advice from a mother who didn't plan to breastfeed, but is now glad that

Clicking While Feeding

Latching baby wrong? Baby makes a clicking noise while feeding.