Author Archives: Franny

Preventing Mastitis

Real mothers share some thoughts with Breastmates, and support each other to breastfeed, including getting

Pumping at Work is Hard Work

A mum shares her experience of working and continuing to breastfeed by expressing, and just

Reflux and Low Milk Supply

A mother shares her experience of having a baby with reflux, and a dwindling milk

Relactation Story

A mum shares her successful experience of re-establishing breastfeeding after her milk had dried up.

Relatch until its Right

One mum shares her experience of feeding her two babies, getting through c-sections, mastitis and

Sad When I Weaned

A mother shares a little reflection on her baby feeding journey with both her babies,

Second Baby Not Always Easy

A mother shares her story to let other second time mothers know that breastfeeding might

Silent Reflux

One mum share's her story about identifying Silent Reflux and getting her baby through it.

Special Moments for Busy Mums

A busy mum shares a little insight into her baby feeding days, and reflects that

Stressful Breastfeeding to Start With

Learning to Breastfeed is Stressful to begin with. You can be so sore, bleeding,