Boob & Bottle Philosophy

Our business philosophy is to support mothers with their choices, whether they are boob or bottle feeding. And we go to great lengths to get this message across… read more


Our Bra being modelled in the WOW show

We made a piece of art for the Montana World of Wearable Art Awards, and it made it through to the finals!  It was a stylish, vibrant, piece.  But it also had a hidden message.

The entry that we sent for the “Bizarre Bra” section for the Wearable  Art show, was made entirely from recycled baby formula scoops.  The ones that come in the baby milk powder tin.

So this piece of art, was adaptly named “Mamadonna Nursing Bra”.    But we also made it to send a message that mothers should be supported whichever way they choose to feed their baby, and they should not be made to feel guilty.

We all know that breast is best, but you have to do what is right for yourself and your family

You can read more about this here