About our Breastfeeding Cookies Mix, Jen sent us this photo and writes:

“Thank you so so much Breastmates – I have to confess I did not think these would work but I was wrong – I have had supply issues with both my children (7yr + 3.5 mths). I was determined to get to 3 months with my wee man which I have (with formula top ups + domperidone).
On Wednesday after finishing the tablets I was going to wean my boy as my supply was getting less – then I saw your post for your cookie mix & decided to give it a go – our last shot, if it didn’t work we were going to go to formula only.
It’s only the second day & already we have gone from 3 x feeds of a few minutes with topups to 3 full breast feeds with no topups needed it feels amazing & my wee boy is so happy.
I am so happy I saw ur post when I did & have already recommended ur mix to some new mummies I know. I’ll definitely be ordering more
Shop here: Breastmates Breastfeeding Cookies