We received this gorgeous photo of our friend and fellow-business-mum Nikki from Cadenshae, wearing one of our Breastmates Maternity Tops.
Nikki looks beautiful at 6 months preggie with her third baby. Nikki is the founder of the Cadenshae range of activewear and sports bras for breastfeeding mums. We stock them over on our website here: Feeding Activewear
- Breastmates Maternity Top
In this photo, the style is named Greyrose Stripe top. Its a combination of a skewstripe on the front panel with a dark pink and white stripe, and then medium grey tones on the rest of the style. This is a bubble hem top – which looks great throughout pregnancy and grows with your belly. Then after baby arrives, the elastic in the bubble hem help the fabric to drape beautifully over your empty baby pouch. And then the front fabric had a hidden breastfeeding opening behind it. Which all means = you get a lot of wear out of it!