Sports Nursing Bras

Looking sports bras that have nursing clips? Supportive and comfortable? Check these out

This month’s featured product is our Sports Nursing Bra.

People ask us all the time about Sports Nursing Bras and we’re pleased to have this product in our range. We’ve had the style for over a year now, and just recently had a top-up of all sizes, and its available now in Grey and White. Its always popular and has had brilliant reviews from our customers.

 Women are buying one to test it, and then returning to buy another – true testament that they like it.

This brand is from LLL International.  It comes in five sizes and is very supportive. (If you order and are not happy with the sizing, we can do a swap for you – read our Returns policy.  We actually get very few returns for this bra)

Great for jogging with your buggy.  One of our members wears her’s at Zumba.

It might sound strange but some women wear this style to bed aswell because they are so comfortable.  When you’re a breastfeeding mama, you’ll understand about night-time bra support.

Check out the Sports Nursing Bras on our website here