Motherhood Support

We are trying to change the way breastfeeding is viewed around the world. We would like it to be seen as normal, and for this reason our website products are things for you to carry on your normal way of life, while being a mum and breastfeeding too.

We are breastfeeding advocates, but also remember that the main thing is that mum & baby are happy, and you do what suits you best.  So our website tries to provide a balance. Our Press Page and Facebook page have also been a great way of getting good support for mothers, and raising awareness about breast and bottle feeding. Here are some comments from our supporters and customers.

Just have to say, your website is absolutely amazing.  I knew you sold maternity and breastfeeding clothes but had no idea there was so much supportive and informative information on there about both breastfeeding and bottle feeding.  I have been finding reading the information and the experiences of other women so unbelievably helpful and not too mention reassuring. 

Can I please pass on some feedback about your wonderful website? I have found it so helpful lately. I have two young boys – the first (now nearly 4) I breast fed exclusively with no problems at all. Naturally I was expecting to do the same with my second (now 10 weeks) and when it turned out that I couldn’t breast feed him as planned, I was absolutely floored.    I’ve made the choice to pump exclusively, figuring that is the second best option, but it is not an easy path as anyone who expresses full time will know! And there is such a lack of support or information out there for those in my situation. Your website has been so helpful – loads of useful, practical and, most importantly, non-judgemental advice about pumping and bottle feeding. And all the essentials – and extras – available to purchase and shipped so promptly.   So thank you from a very appreciative Mum!

Thanks for your reply. Great to know that you have taken your time to email me back.  Means alot, that someone’s read my post etc.. 🙂
It’s actually the first time i’ve posted up something as I felt very strongly about this issue and what I experienced, and I’m sure I’m not the only one out there.  Your website is so informative, I’m glad that I use it as a useful resource esp.for me  being a first time Mum.   Will recommend this site to my friends, family that are pregnant/new mothers. My teacher at the anntenatal birthclass told me about it…glad that I went on to searching it up.

I would have to say I love that you now have a range of items suitable for all mums – I also think the ‘sleepwear for formula feeding mums‘ is a great way to include those of us who aren’t or are no longer breastfeeding. In a country that does (not always intentionally) put you on the outside for not breastfeeding it is refreshing and very appreciated.

Wow thanks for having info on bottlefeeding on your website-who would have thought!! The only reason I came on here was through a forum on a website that said you had good info on bottle feeding. It was a difficult descision for me to bottle feed my daughter, but its good to know there are useful tips on here and non judgemental.

I am just writing to thank you so much for establishing your business, website and Facebook page. I feel like you have been along for the journey with me. I battled in the beginning and had mastitis 4 times with my first baby. I first purchased one of your bras in November 2006 ( first baby was born in October 2006), following a recommendation from a friend and have since purchased all my bras from Breastmates. I have read the advice on your page in times of need and it has helped put things into perspective for me and changed the way in which I did/do things.  So thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will continue to watch with intrigue the comments on Facebook. I will also continue to support your business anyway I can and will continue to forward your information onto friends and family.

Hey Franny, I remember when you started Breastmates, then you got in Hot Milk, holy moly! Sexy maternity underwear arrived in NZ! You gave me unbiased breastfeeding support and didnt make me feel guilty that I couldnt feed #1 I was so determined to feed #2 and your unbiased support helped me feel relaxed im my decision, you know my story with breastfeeding #2 through mental illness, separation and a new pregnancy. What you may not know is that I fed baby till she was 2.4 years, she self weaned, at 5 mths pregnant my milk dried up, but our bond is so strong. I love coming to chat to you every year at the Parent and Child show and for you to know who I am when I only see you then makes me feel so welcome. Franny you have always been more than just another online store to me. You have always been unbiased support from one mother to another. Baby #3 is 8 months old now, and im proud to say still breastfed. I spend a lot of time reading through the stories on your website. I love them, they are stories of love, courage and passion for our children. Stories of going against all odds and stories of hope. What im trying to say Fran is that none of this would be here if it wasnt for you starting a teeny business a few years ago about something you’re passionate about. I thank you for breastmates and I thank you for you. Cx

I have just spent a nice half an hour looking at your site and I think it is great! I loved the ethos of your site – I bottle fed one and breast fed the other (for 9 months as she point blank refused a bottle!) and I am a big supporter of doing what works for you without judgement.

I just wanted to let you know how useful the information on your website about the personal fit breast shields was for me. After being unsuccesful at breastfeeding but not comfortable with putting my baby on formula I have been expressing milk for each of his feeds for the last 3 months. Unfortunately I continually ended up with significant trauma to one nipple, to the point where I could no longer use the expressor on this breast. I consequently resorted to hand expressing, which is not very efficient (although I did get quite good at this!). After reading the info on your website I realised I needed a different size breast shield for this breast, and since this arrived I have been happily expressing 1200-1300 mls/day pain free.

It’s very refreshing having such a mother friendly site that has someone behind the scenes that cares as much as the website says. 🙂

What’s GREAT about this site is their advice for bottle feeding. Mums too plus sleeping advice, feeding – its just so helpful – every time I go on there I get some more help.

I wanted to mention what an awesome job you are doing with your site and marketing. You create interesting discussion starters (on the Facebook page) and your website is a true credit to you. Love how you can click on the articles you have featured in to read them fully. Shows you are very proud of your site/business too and that reflects as a good honest salesperson. Loved the Facebook Treasure Hunt you ran yesterday even if it did use up all my afternoon as I tried to work it out amongst caring for my bubby.

You are doing an awesome job of providing a well rounded, broad selection of products and resources as well as unbiased advice so that women can make informed decisions. (All within the constraints of the WHO code and ensuring that you are PC and non-offensive!) May you have the strength to stay true to yourself and take comfort in the knowledge that you’re providing a valuable service to ALL mothers and babies.

I’ve really enjoyed shopping on your website, and appreciate the balanced range of advice you have posted as well.

You rock with what you are doing for Mums.  If only it was around when I was bf!

I think that your website is fabulous. All credit to you for the wonderful resource that you have put together and also for being so completely approachable about the subject of feeding.

Just wanted to drop a note to say thank you for your site, I have just come across it for the first time. My kids are now 5 and nearly 3, but I still have plenty of friends having their ‘firsts’ and see the stress and guilt they go through, and it reminds me of my first time round. Well done to you for your website. I can see from a quick browse that it is more focused on breastfeeding, and that’s as it should be. But I love the practical information that is on there about bottle feeding, and the fact that it is non-judgmental.

“Frances you have accomplished so much with your business which is now becoming a fantastic resource for women everywhere. What a great role model you are”

“Frances really knows her stuff and has relaunched her site to include info pages. The site is lovely and her range of products is great. She is really really kind and helpful and very supportive – if you need non-judgemental advice, give her an email or call and see what she says.”

Breastmates – you guys Rock …obviously!!! You have created an environment where we can find information and products that are sensible, cost effective, and just plain fabulous!!! We love you guys!

Hey Frannie. You’re the best, and I love your site and your service and what you do and how you do it. That’s why I shop with you.   Will look forward to my parcel (I love parcels! My husband thinks this is most amusing!)

Kudos to those gr8 breastfeeders, breast is best whenever possible & thanks to peeps like u with such wonderful sites to inspire & supply us!

I love your maternity store, your service and your practical and lovely range, so thank you for bringing breast feeding to the masses!

Thank you so much. You have made everything so much easier and gave me awesome advice unlike the another shop I won’t mention.

I’ve told lots of people about your fabulous website and the wonderful customer service you give. It’s a cool being able to recommend a website to people who you know will genuinely get an excellent experience from using.

PS Your site is a great idea! Kiwi women need all the encouragement they can get to breastfeed. Being able to get lingerie that doesn’t make you feel like a nana helps!

Hi Frances. I love your site and commend you on getting it up ‘n running. I will certainly recommend it far ‘n wide. rgds, Debi

Feeding is such a dominant aspect of the time spent between mother and baby and it is so important both mother and baby are as content and happy as possible, I agree with you that it so hard to find good information and I think your site fills an important need especially with the new factual information and real life experiences that you have included.  Well done Fran, I think the work that you do is fantastic! (and I love getting your updates!)

As a mum of a 24 weeker who could not breast feed i appreciate your stance on Breast or Bottle. I get really sick of the breastfeeding Nazis they can actually make people feel very inadequate . So yay you. Behind you 100%.

I love the new web site Franny!!! Congratulations! its heaps easyer to find things!! now i think i just need to have another baby so i can get back to buying 4me 🙂 🙂 but in the mean time im enjoying your advice pages it all looks realy good, above and beyond just an online store.