Four Hour Labour

Kushla shares her birth story


I had my baby on the 29th december 2010 at 7:34pm.  I started having contractions around 4pm but only 1 every 20 minutes or so.

About 6:40pm I decided that a bath might be a good idea and that way if I was having a false labour, as I had done previously with my last daughter, maybe the bath would calm things down.

I didn’t feel the need to call my midwife as the pains weren’t very strong.

I said to my parnter at about 7pm that I needed to get out the bath before I couldn’t (lol).  When I got out my partner sorted the plastic and mats where Ii was going to give birth, in the lounge.

At 7:15pm the contractions got real bad and real fast.  We called midwife and she was on her way (she lives like 10mins away from us). Anyway, I had to push and before we knew it baby was in daddys arms in a towel at 7:34pm.

Midwife turned up to baby already born.

Baby girl, 8pound 14, 52cm long and a very happy little girl.