Natural Birth

Your body was designed to give birth – have confidence in its amazing abilities! Your body knows just what to do when it comes to giving birth vaginally, and these beautiful and honest stories of natural deliveries will help fill you with confidence in your body

Home Birth with Pool

A mum shares her birth story - a home birth with support of midwife and

Hypno Birth at Home

A mum shares her birth story: she used hypno birthing techniques and breathing, to

Hypno Birthing and Water Birth

A mum shares her amazing birth story, where she used Hypno Birthing and breathing techniques

Labour in the Water

A mum shares her inspiring birth story - where she laboured for 6 hours

Natural Birth at Burwood

A mum shares her birth story - a natural birth

Jo Surprises Herself with a Water Birth

Jo Surprises Herself with a Water Birth

Birth of Baby Spencer

Birth of Baby Spencer - Sarah shares her birth story

Lotus Birth

A Lotus Birth? One of our New Zealand mums writes about her experience of

Totally In Control

My labour with my first child was a long and slow posterior labour, but she