Natural Birth
Your body was designed to give birth – have confidence in its amazing abilities! Your body knows just what to do when it comes to giving birth vaginally, and these beautiful and honest stories of natural deliveries will help fill you with confidence in your body
Birth of Baby Atlas
Erin share's the story of her son's birth. He was born the day after
Julia’s birth of Ruby and Jade
Julia shares the birth story of her twin girls (vaginal delivery) but with a frightening,
Breech Baby and 2 hour labour
A mum shares her birth story with a very quick labour (1 hour and 50
Home Birth
One mum shares her experience of having a homebirth for her third baby, baby was
Matilda’s Home Birth
A mum shares the story of her daughters home birth - labour wasn't progressing as
Natural Birth at River Ridge
Sarah shares her birth story, a naturally progressive labour with gas and pethidine. Though
Quick Birth in Bathroom at Home
A mum shares her birth story - 90 minutes from start to finish, at home
Undiagnosed breech birth at home
A wonderful undiagnosed breech birth at home. Michelle shares the story of her son's
Home Birth after Two C-Sections
Andrea tells her story of baby's arrival "I just delivered a baby naturally and at
Breathing Techniques
A mum shares her amazing birth story, how she used hypnobirthing and breathing techniques