Category Archives: Water Birth

A water birth is wonderful for natural pain relief during labour. Thinking about giving birth in the water – either at home in a hired birthing pool, in a spa pool at the hospital or a birth pool at a maternity unit? These water birth stories from real mums will inspire and fascinate you.

A quick water birth delivery

Ainsley shares the birth story of her daughter I had heaps of Braxton Hicks throughout

Trust My Body to do what it needs

Mum shares her story of labour at home and then having a water birth

Breathing Baby Out

Home birth story - shared by Kate

Breathing Techniques

A mum shares her amazing birth story, how she used hypnobirthing and breathing techniques

Holly’s Third Baby

Holly share's the story of her son's birth - at home in a birthing pool.

Home Birth with Pool

A mum shares her birth story - a home birth with support of midwife and

Hypno Birth at Home

A mum shares her birth story: she used hypno birthing techniques and breathing, to

Hypno Birthing and Water Birth

A mum shares her amazing birth story, where she used Hypno Birthing and breathing techniques

Labour in the Water

A mum shares her inspiring birth story - where she laboured for 6 hours

Natural Birth at Burwood

A mum shares her birth story - a natural birth