Category Archives: Bottle Feeding
Many mums bottle-feed their babies, and we know how hard it is to find unbiased information about giving your baby a bottle. We’ve put together a comprehensive resource on bottle-feeding, including tips on establishing bottle-feeding, what equipment you’ll need to bottle-feed, how to mix formula, how to sterilise and clean your bottles, and advice from bottle-feeding mums to give you confidence and reassurance.
Allergic or Intolerant to Cows Milk Protein
Mothers share their experience with identifying allergies and intolerance to cows milk protein with their
Baby Not Getting Enough
Baby not getting enough milk and becoming unhealthy. Breasts not producing rich HIND milk.
Bottle Feeding Tips
Bottle Feeding Advice for those that are formula feeding their babies. Just some tips
Bottle to Breast
One mother shares her experience of bottle feeding (expressed milk) and then eventually fully breastfeeding.
Bottles Just In Case
Breastfeeding Bottle Feeding words of wisdom from a mother "Do what's best for your child
Breast or Bottle an Experience with Both
Breast or Bottle? One mother's experience with both. Remember that the important thing
Consider Someone Else’s Perspective
Consider another mothers perspective and please don't pass judgement to bottle feeding. One mum
Constipated on Formula
Formula can make babies constipated, you need to give them water to drink too
Do What’s Best For You
One mum shares a little insight into her breastfeeding experiences, including traveling through Asia with
Get Baby Used to a Bottle
It is a good idea to start baby drinking expressed milk from a bottle from