Category Archives: Shared Breastfeeding Photos

Beautiful breastfeeding photos from real mums to inspire and encourage you. Many special mums have shared breastfeeding photos with us.

We love showing you just how beautiful and special the breastfeeding relationship can be.

These quiet moments captured in time show that breastfeeding is natural and gorgeous, not rude or offensive. Enjoy these precious photos of breastfeeding mums and babies.

We’d love to see your breastfeeding photo too – email us to add to our growing collection of breastfeeding images.

A Few Hurdles

Breastfeeding Photo of baby at 3.5 months

Baby Feeding at 6 months

Breastfeeding Photo of baby nursing, at about 6 months of age

Battle to Keep Feeding

Breastfeeding photo from a mum that is trying to keep breast milk going

BF Baby at 8 days

Breastfeeding Baby - photo showing baby latched on for a feed. This baby is

BF Hard to Start With

A breastfeeding photo and experience shared by a mother. She found it hard to

Big Brother Helper

Mum feeding 2 week old baby, while big brother helps. Breastfeeding Moment

Breast Feeding Moment

Breastfeeding Photo - a gentle quiet moment between mother and son

Breastfeeding 1 Hour Old

Breastfeeding baby after birth. With skin to skin contact, baby will instinctively nurse.

Breastfeeding 3 Hours Old

Breastfeeding a brand new baby, who at just 3 hours old is already latching, breastfeeding

Breastfeeding 8 month Old

Breastfeeding photo - mothers photo showing her nursing her baby. Breastfeeding an 8 month