Category Archives: Solids & Weaning
When should you start your baby on solids? What’s the ideal first food for baby, and how can you get them to try new foods? How do you know if your baby is ready to start solids, and how does breastfeeding fit into the picture? If your baby is close to six months old and you think it’s time to introduce solids to their diet, or you’re thinking of weaning your baby from breastfeeding or dropping a feed, we’re here to help.
How to Wean a Breastfed Baby
Weaning a breast-fed baby can be the ‘end of an era’, this article helps answer
How Long did you Breastfeed
A survey of mothers asking when they planned to wean their baby. Some great
Finger Food and Snacks
Snack food and finger food for toddlers.
Eight Month Baby Refusing Breast
Eight month old baby refuses breastfeeding but mum wants to continue. Expressing, bottle feeding,
Dropping the Last Feed
Stopping breastfeeding and dropping the number of feeds, how to stop? A mother
1 Year Old Won’t Drink Milk
One Year Old Baby Won't Drink Milk - A mothers story
Feeding Little Tummies Cookbook
Recipes for baby food. Baby and toddler meals. A wonderful cookbook available online
So your baby is Starting Solids?
Tips and information about starting your baby on Solids. How to know when your
Is Baby Ready to Start Solids
Introducing solids to your baby's diet, and breastfeeding. Some tips from Breastmates, and signs
Introducing Solids
Starting your baby on solids, a few tips on how to start, and what baby