Author Archives: Franny

HOTmilk Essentials

HOTmilk introduces their new range of Essentials lingerie. There is no need to be without

Plus Size Maternity Bras

HOTmilk lingerie caters up to size 20H - functional and well designed, while being very

When to Get a Maternity Bra

Pregnant and wondering about when is the best time to buy a maternity bra?

Why wear a Maternity Bra?

HOTmilk guidelines on when to wear maternity bras, and how to have them fitted.

The Importance of Maternity Bras

Whats the difference between a maternity bra and a normal bra? We list the

Bra Construction

Features of a HOTmilk maternity bra. What makes them so special? There is

Whats an A frame or Side Sling

What is an A frame bra support, or a side sling support in maternity bras?

Should I buy Bras with Room to Grow?

Should I buy my HOTmilk bra one size too big to allow room to grow?

Twins from Donor Eggs

Sharyn shares the story of her twin's Mila and Luca. They are a very

Nutrition for Fertility

Nutrition for Fertility. Healthy eating prior to conception. The ideal time to implement