Mothers Minder Reminder Wristbands


Mother’s Minder

By Nicole Parish, Little Treasures Magazine December 2009

“We spied these nifty bracelets on the Breastmates website that would make a great gift for a pregnant mum-to-be.  The stainless steel bracelets are really designed to keep track of breastfeeding times and from which side you fed from, but breastfeeding expert Frances McInnes says they also work for monitoring baby movement in late pregnancy.  “

The Mother’s Minder wristbands are available to purchase here

– I would never describe myself as a breastfeeding expert, I’m a mum that has breast (and bottle) fed two babies, and I deal with a lot of breastfeeding questions.  I’m not an expert though – that would be the wonderful lactation consultants.

– To keep monitor baby movement in late pregnancy with the wristband, the idea is that you should count 12+ movements per day.  So you can just use the sliding time scale to keep track of what number you are up to.