Category Archives: Bottle Feeding Mums
Support and real-life stories from mums who bottle-feed their babies. If you bottle-feed your baby, there’s nothing to be ashamed of!
At Breastmates, we believe that every mother has the right to support and non-judgemental, helpful advice, whatever way she feeds her baby.
Real mums tell about their experiences with bottle-feeding and how to overcome the feelings of guilt and frustration at others’ judgement of their decision.
Bottle Feeding and Expressing
A mum shares her experience of bottle feeding her newborn baby, and combining breast, expressing,
Permission to Stop Breastfeeding
A mum shares her journey of struggling with breastfeeding and developing post natal depression.
Don’t Be Paranoid About Bottlefeeding
A mum shares her experience of bottle feeding, and some tips on getting started.
Choosing Formula by Trial and Error
A mum shares her experience of choosing which formula to buy for her baby, and
Buy Formula Just Incase Breastfeeding Doesn’t Work
A mum shares her experience of rushing out to buy formula and bottles at midnight,
Weaning onto Goats Milk and Vege Juices
A mum shares her experience of weaning her baby off breast and onto goats milk
Glad I Switched to Formula
A mum shares her experience of deciding to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula
Low Weight Gain
A mum shares her story of combining breastfeeding and formula feeding for the best results
A Very Hungry Baby
One mother share's her baby feeding story with us, baby was born underweight, was always
Allergic or Intolerant to Cows Milk Protein
Mothers share their experience with identifying allergies and intolerance to cows milk protein with their