Waikato Times 5th August 2016

Link to original article and video to view: Waikato Times
A biscuit mix that can help boost breast milk has been developed by Cambridge woman Franny McInnes.
Booster Biscuit Mix contains natural galactagogues oats, linseed, and brewer’s yeast, when combined are believed to help breastfeeding mothers produce breast milk.
McInnes has started selling the pre-mix packs through her online business, Breastmates.
“I wanted to make it easier for mums, particularly those with newborns, who might not have the time to hunt down ingredients.
“It’s really quick to make, I know a lot of mums won’t want to be at home baking when they’ve got a new born. They’re kind of like a dad-friendly recipe too. You can whip up a batch in 10 minutes.”
Milk production can be a concern for breastfeeding mothers, McInnes said. “It’s probably the number one worry for mums. Are they making enough milk? Is their baby getting enough milk?
When McInnes had her second son eight years ago she had low milk supply. She was researching types of foods that could help improve milk supply, and found out that oats, brewers yeast, and linseed could help. “So that’s when I first played around with creating the original recipe.
McInnes has been developing the product for the past seven months, and worked with a nutritionist to make the recipe healthier.
The mix makes 20 biscuits. McInnes recommends eating them two to three a day with a glass of water or milk.
She has approached health stores in Hamilton and Auckland about stocking the biscuits.
McInnes started Breastmates, a maternity website and online store, about 12 years ago.
It began as a hobby business, selling breast pads and has slowly expanded to include clothing designed by McInnes and other maternity equipment.
She moved the business form the home garage to a Cambridge warehouse about four months ago.
You can shop online for Booster Biscuit Mix here