We put this question to our amazing facebook community <you can join here> and this is a small sample of the amazing feedback that came back for Lizzie, with other mothers sharing how long it took for their milk to come in after a c-section. Scroll down to view all.
Q: I’m just writing to ask for some advise from your community of mums today. I’ve been sitting in my hospital bed with tears streaming down my cheeks. I just had a c-section and no-matter how I am offering my boob to my baby, there doesn’t seem to be any milk coming out and its hurting. My baby is hungry. And i am so worried about him. How long does it take for milk to come in following a c-section? Lizzie

Learning to breastfeed is hard, it’s harder and takes longer than the actual labour.
Seek supervision from your midwife or nurses while in hospital to help ensure you are holding baby in the correct latch position, and so they can monitor baby too.
From the answers below, most of these mothers found it took about 2-3 days for their milk to come in following a c-section, and on day 3 they definitely knew it!
Scroll down to read all the answers from our community.
I had a c-section and it literally came in that day for me… and then I pumped and pumped (he was a 29 week premmie and I had no idea what to do) and pumped until they were empty every time, so my milk supply was outrageous. Follow on two more kids and it’s like my body remembered to make that much milk so I drowned the next two kids and got mastitis. See breastmates range of available Breast Pumps
About 3 days for me, normal c-section no complications ❤️
I had a planned c-section at 38 weeks and for a week before I started hand expressing and collecting the colostrum which I took to the hospital with me and gave to bubs when he was born with syringe- as I was hand expressing for a week before my milk came within 48 hours
Talk to your midwife about expressing before you go for c-section and she will be able to provide you with sterile syringes and containers
Two weeks for my first c-section (a lot of issues and sick bubba) about 4 days for the second one. Take some blessed thistle and lots of water, and as long as the baby is being fed it doesn’t matter what it is
My first two babies, my milk came in on day 3. With third baby it came in on day 2. I was a lot more stressed and exhausted with the first two. Not sure if that was the reason they took a bit longer.
Just remember c-section or vaginal birth, it’s the detachment of the placenta that triggers your milk production so if it’s getting you down, know no matter how you birthed, it would most likely take the same amount of time. Good luck mumma!!!
Emergency c-section, milk fully came in had puddles next to me in bed around day 5-7 (took ages!) but be persistent if you can the more you put baby to breast the more you’ll trigger the milky goodness, if supply is low eat plenty and be super hydrated! See a lactation consultant to make sure latch is good, you’ve got this!!
First c-section- 3 days! Second and third within 24 hours. Make sure milk has come in before leaving so you have the support while there instead of struggling at home.
Hey honey i had milk right from the start, I was a heavy leaker before having my boy and didn’t have any issues with the milk supply but just keep on mumma ? lots of water and rest and food. If you can move comfortably enough to have a shower, try hand expressing while in the shower to help stimulate the flow? These are tricks I got taught because I was adamant I was ebf my baby and my mid wife was super helpful
5 days for the first (didn’t get to bf her at all, no support to even try ?)
I could hand express and syringe feed my second immediately, but milk took a few days.
3rd same as second except breastfeeding straight away.
Can’t quite remember with any of them but it was before I left the hospital so maybe 3 days max? Don’t worry, it’ll come in and if it doesn’t at least u know there are alternate ways to feed your baby xx good luck
Day 4 or 5, after unplanned C-section (16 days overdue!). I had been trying to hand express for weeks leading up to the birth (both to bring on labour and to have a small stash of colostrum to start off with) with no success at all
It was like 5days with my son. I fed and expressed a lot trying to make it hurry up. With my girl they gave me meds to help still I took ages days. I never made much milk. Just keep feeding and expressing even if you aren’t getting milk from expressing. It stimulates milk supply
Within 48 hours for both births (both c-sections). Just do what you can, the more relaxed you are the quicker everything will slot into place. I waited until my milk was in before I left hospital – meant I had someone checking my latch and my feeding as much as possible too.
6 days after being induced at 37 weeks which ended in c-section. Did all the recommended things like skin on skin & fed then pumped but still took 6 days & it was probably another 5 days or so before supply was enough to stop formula top ups.
Day 3, I got to Waterford, lay on my back having the best sleep on their bed vs hospital and then woke up suffocating under the weight of my chest.
1st time 3 days, 2nd time 4 days as she had a bit of jaundice and preferred sleeping. Hang in there mama. Also ask to see a lactation consultant if they have any available there.
3 days with my first, she was so tiny, and practically immediately with my third (second section). Everyone is different and trust your body, it will come in in its own time
Whether you have c-section or naturally born, milk production starts when your placenta is born so either way it’s a natural process. Good luck x took mine 3 days, trust your body, xxx
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First c-section it took 5 days and my little girl lost a lot of weight. Second c-section it came in day 24 hours later!
Just go with it will happen and lots of lots your baby on the breast ? x
First bubba it took around 8 days (emergency) then second bubba (elective) it took just 2. My advice would be try to get along to the breastfeeding classes at the hospital and if you’re ok with it ask for formula as a top up until your milk comes in – this really helped me relax as I wasn’t stressed by a screaming hungry bubba.
After my 1st c-section it was in properly after about 3 days (I lost a lot of blood during that one) after my second it was about 2 days, colostrum was doing its job before that though.
Actually nearly 2 weeks with my second one. I used fenugreek tablets and nursing tea to help this along. Expressing through this time also
Second Cs day 2, baby had trouble latching and they told me she had a tongue tie, turns out there was just too much milk?, baby 3 c’s day 2 or 3.
3 days – emergency c-section after a lot of blood loss, I thought 3 days was about normal though. Just give baby boob as much as you can.
days but my baby was in NICU .
My suggestion is lots of skin to skin contact as it encourages the milk flow also pump as much as you can it will encourage it to come through
First was planned c/s. Came in day 4. Second was emergency c/s @ 36 weeks and took day 5, feeding every three hours and expressing after every daytime feed
Took me about 6 days and did not have enough colostrum and baby lost too much weight, brought in donated milk and formula.
I had my second baby by c-section at 28 weeks and was pumping that same day to send to him in NICU. Everyone is different though
Couple days but I took formula in with me and was topping up . didn’t want her losing to much weight and going backwards. have formula with you!
About three to four days for me. Lots of skin to skin, make sure that latch it solid and ask for as much help as you can get ?
About 4 days and bubs was two weeks early! Stayed on the boob to help bring it in. Don’t stress new mumma ❤️
I’ve had 4, first two emergencies and second two were electives. Milk started transitioning from colostrum around day 3 ??
2-3 days for all three sections. First two I laboured, last one not. Heaps of water, heaps of snuggles and don’t panic.
Hydrate like there’s no tomorrow!!! It will come. I had to use formula, but it arrived after a few weeks.
Fourth day I think. I was expressing and feeding and waking him for feeds too as his glucose levels were low.
First took three days and second was within 24 hrs. With the first I pumped to help but with second, I didn’t need too
Pump, drink water and eat! Us get up and walk as soon as you can!
Day 4 after my emergency C-Section, my Son was in Neo natal so it was very stressful
Both day 2! I think the key is good food and lots of REST!
My son was feeding off me while i was being stitched up. Lots of skin to skin and letting him suck
days with my first. It hurt but it was worth it. My second was much quicker.
I’ve had 4 c-sections and my milk always came in on the 3rd day without fail.
Three days with my first but at all with my second. Pump and drink lots of water.
Was day 4 or 5 with my first emergency and day 2 with my 2nd elective
Mine took about 4 days to come in lots of skin to skin
Emergency C-section at 36weeks. I pumped from the word go every 4 hours and my milk came in day 5
Mine was 3 days but had plenty of colostrum from the start ☺️
3days but had plenty of colostrum from the start
First C-section and milk came in on day three, lots of skin to skin
First baby (emergency c-section inner a general), about 3 days; second baby (elective) 2 days
Mine came in the normal time… bout day 2
My first was day 4, my 2nd was day 3 ?
Lots of skin to skin
Lots of skin to day 3
4-5 days
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