Category Archives: Breastfeeding

The most natural way to feed your new baby is breastfeeding, but where do you begin? Learning to breastfeed comes naturally to some mums, but others need a bit of help – and that’s why we’re here. We’ve compiled the most practical, useful information about breastfeeding, including help increasing milk supply, what to do about mastitis, nipple care and engorgement, and general help with establishing breastfeeding.

Low Milk Supply

Mother has low milk supply and baby is not gaining much weight, what can be

Milk Oversupply

Block Feeding Method to help with over supply of breast milk, and a breastmilk flow

Not Getting Much Milk

Breast pumps and Expressing: Mother is not getting much milk when using her breast pump,

Tiger’s Milk Shake

A little recipe to increase your breast milk supply at home, without having to purchase

Formula Top Ups

Combined Feeding. Mums share their experiences giving their baby a formula top-up. Combing

Breastmilk Oversupply and Engorged Breasts

A mum recently asked us this question:  “I am wondering if any mums have advice about

Onion Soup Recipe to Help with Thrush

If you’re plagued by recurring yeast infections and enjoy the taste of garlic and onions,

Alcohol and Breastfeeding

Drinking alcohol while breastfeeding: some common questions answered. Alcohol is aborbed into breastmilk and

Benefits of Breastfeeding

Benefits of Breastfeeding - some incentives to encourage mothers to breastfeed. Why breastfeeding is

Breastfeeding After C-Section

Some tips and advice on breast feeding babies after c-section delivery. Positioning tips