Category Archives: Breast Pump Problem Solving
Troubleshooting when your breast pump isn’t working properly. Is your breast pump not working, or is your particular pump not working for you?
Here are solutions to common breast pump problems and issues, and how to troubleshoot a breast pump that isn’t working properly.
Have a question or problem with your breast pump that isn’t answered here? Email us for more help with your breast pump!
Breast Pump Has Lost Suction
Medela Breast Pump has Lost Suction? Here are some easy trouble shooting ideas which
How to Use a Manual Breast Pump
How to use a Manual Breast Pump. Our simple instructions guide you on how
How to Assemble the Avent Manual Breast Pump
How to Assemble the Avent Manual Breast Pump. We have a diagram and instructions
Swing Pump: Milk Doesn’t Drip Into Bottle
Medela Swing Breastpump: problems with milk backflow down the tube and not into the
I’m Getting a Sore Areola When Pumping
Breast Pump - using a breast pump and getting a sore areola. This would
Breastshield Sizes for Pumps
Breastshield Sizes for Breast Pumps - we have different size breast shields which may help
Some Tips on Expressing Breastmilk
Some tips on getting started with a breastpump and helping you succeed with expressing milk.
Video: Breast Pump Noises
We have made some videos of Breast Pumps so that you can listen to the