Category Archives: Expressing Help

Your stress-free guide to pumping breast milk. When you first get started expressing breast milk, it is hard to know if you’re using the breast pump properly, how much milk to expect your breasts to produce, and how to get into a rhythm with pumping.

Here’s info on how to use a breast pump, how often you should pump milk, what to do if you’re not getting enough milk, and help for working mums expressing breast milk at work.

Breast Pump Starter Kit

Breastmates Breast Pump Starter Kit, all the tools you need to pump and store breastmilk

What are Elastic Nipples?

Do I have Elastic Nipples?

Increasing Pump Output

Does it feel like your milk supply drops off in the evening?

Breast Pumping Kit – Recommendations

It's a lot of work and commitment to pump for your baby, we applaud you!  

Choosing the right Breastshield Size

Many women are not aware that breast pumps shields come in different sizes, and that

Mums Share Pumping Tips for Time & Efficiency

Mums Share Pumping Tips for Time & Efficiency

Pumping and How to Share Feeds with my Partner

I'm trying to figure out our plan of attack for breastfeeding, and would like some

Planning to Start Expressing

Breast Pumps and tips from other mums, for expressing breastmilk

What Volume to Expect with Breast Pump

A few tips on starting to use a breast pump and increasing your stash of

Can I Mix Milk from Different Pumping Sessions?

Can I mix breast milk from different pumping sessions? A few guidelines.