Why Choose a Medela Freestyle Breast Pump?
The Medela Freestyle Breast pump is a high quality, high efficiency Breast Pump by Medela which is recommended for high usage –
- for mums that express exclusively to give their baby breast milk (i.e no feeding at breast, only with a bottle of pumped milk),
- for mums that are away from their baby every day (working fulltime),
- mums with multiples that need to express a couple of times a day to help with feeding.
- for mums that have baby in hospital and need to supply milk
- for mums that have ‘low pump usage’ (a couple of times each day) but want a very quick and efficient pump to minimise pumping time
- for mums that plan on expressing long term as their baby gets older, and perhaps also for future children
The Freestyle Breast Pump is also suitable for mums that want to express quicky, efficiently, quietly, minimal time, maximum milk, longterm. The Freestyle pump is also super easy to use and assemble important when you are sleep deprived or pumping in the middle of the night!!
This pump has a very small motor which fits into your hand. It has the patented Medela 2-phase action where it starts pumping fast to stimulate milk let down. When let-down occurs you push a button and it goes into a longer slower motion. You can then set the suction to any intensity that you choose simply by pushing +/- buttons. There is no limit to the suction that you can choose. {When compared to the Medela Mini Electric which only has 3 set suction levels}
The 2-Phase Expression Technology is based on the natural sucking rhythm of the baby: Short, stimulating movements are followed by longer, more intensive ones, ensuring an optimal milkflow. It’s faster let-down and maximum milkflow significantly reduces pumping time. So you can express more milk in less time – and more comfortable.
It is comfortable to use, and quiet. Have a look at our webpage which has a demo of the pump noise: Noise of Medela Freestyle Pump
This pump runs on batteries and mains, and has a rechargeable battery pack. (battery life 3 hours)
It has a digital LCD display that shows all relevant information – vacuum suction level, duration of pumping, battery life.
This Freestyle Breast Pump was introduced to the New Zealand market in 2010, and is growing to become the most recommended double breast pump. It is very popular with mums and gets a lot of referrals from midwives and lactation consultants.
At Breastmates we are also able to source any spare parts that you may require for the Freestyle pump. (Sometimes customers melt them when they are sterilising – so we also recommend the Microwave Sterilisation bags!)