Advice & Tips

Parenting can be hard work, and pregnant mums and new mothers sometimes need a little bit of extra help from other mums who know what they’re going through. Breastmates has created a special resource section filled with tried and tested parenting tips, common-sense advice on pregnancy and motherhood, unbiased help with infant feeding, and expert answers to your most important questions. Being a mum is the most important job you’ll ever do, and Breastmates cares about helping you to enjoy being a mum without the stress.

Shopping for a Cot

Which cot to buy? Here are some unbiased comments about shopping for your baby's

Shopping for a Pushchair

Which Pushchair to buy? Here are some unbiased comments about shopping for your baby's

Meconium – What to Expect

Meconium - Baby's First Poop. A little introduction and image so you can see

Baby Poo Guideline

Baby Poo - a Parents Guide to Poo Inspections. What different colour and texture

Banish the Nosey Parkers

Banish the Busybodies and Nosey Parkers!! 10 comebacks to say when people comment on

Reflux Survivors – shared tips

Reflux Survivors: Any Tips on Settling Bubs? Shared tips from 100 mums.

Love the Moby Wrap

Moby Wrap - a shared story of how a moby wrap changed this mothers life.

How to settle a crying baby

Crying baby? Here are lots of suggestions on ways that you can soothe an

How Cranial Osteopathy can help Unsettled Newborns

Cranial osteopathy has become a popular treatment for babies following birth however many parents feel

Sounds of Hungry Baby

Signs that baby is hungry. Recommended to feed baby before they get distressed and