Category Archives: Pregnancy Info

Pregnancy is exciting, but there’s so much to think about! We’ll set you straight. It’s an exhilarating time, and the amazing changes your body undergoes for the nine months of pregnancy can be a little bit overwhelming. There are just so many things to think about!

From scans to antenatal tests, morning sickness to preparing for labour and birth, we’ve got answers to all of your burning questions about pregnancy.

Nutrients for Healthy Pregnancy

Jacquie Dale from Real Nutrition shares advice for the six essential nutrients for a healthy

Pregnant? Start Healthy Eating

Pregnancy is the right time to adopt a fantastic diet - a little encouragement.

Surviving Morning Sickness

Morning Sickness and how to get through it....A big group of mums shared how they

Thinking of Water Birth?

Our guest author from H2Oh Baby shares some benefits of having a water birth.

Tummy Support for Pregnancy

Belly Bra is a pregnancy garment designed to support your growing belly, pelvis and back,

Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Pregnant? What is normal weight gain? We polled a group of mothers, and

What to Pack for Hospital

Preparing for a newborn baby - our suggested items to pack in your hospital

Worst Things to Ask a Pregnant Women

We asked 125 pregnant women what were the most annoying things people said to them

Pregnancy Capsule Wardrobe

How to create a pregnancy wardrobe. Tips and suggestions about maternity clothing from Breastmates.

60 Percent of Mothers Get Stretch Marks

Pregnancy Stretch Marks - here are some real images that women have shared with us.