We asked mothers on our Facebook page about whether they have used a breast pump, and if they had any feedback or reviews.
It would appear that the
Medela Swing won first place… Followed by the Avent Electric.
This is what they said….
I have the Medela mini-electric and it’s great
I used the medela swing very happy with it.
We used the Avent electric breast pump, it was fabulous. I tended to use it manually after a couple of weeks though.
I have the Avent electronic pump and found it amazing, comfortable and easy to use. Not too bulky either when having to pump at work etc. TheAvent via cups are a great storage system to go with it too. This was much better than the manual pump for me – I got so much more milk than when I used my manual one. Will definitely be using it this time around too
I have mini medela electric and it’s great 🙂
I use the Avent manual breast pump. I find it AMAZING. After using electric and other manual pumps this is by far the best I have ever used. It is natural and very easy to use & clean.
I used the medela swing for both babies. Great pump. Very comfortable, very fast pumping and really light and quiet too. Actually lots more effective than the big hospital pumps.
I have the Medala Swing and found it great! Will use it for the next baby as well. It was so quiet and easy to use.
I have the medela swing – it’s awesome! So easy to use and very quiet!
Live my medela swing! Fast, comfortable, quiet and easy to use
I used the Avent manual breastpump. It was fantastic!! Lasted through 3 babies, and still in great condition. Quite effective for a manual hand pump and the Avent products were really useful (caps, storage cups etc). Very natural and easy to use.
I used the Avent manual breast pump it was so easy to use and clean
I used the medela harmony and had no issues with it. I did have a cheap pump to start with which pinched, hurt and leaked so the harmony was awesome in comparison. I was only expressing to get the milk flowing as I’d go hard as rock between feeds and baby found it hard to latch and to empty some of the excess after feeds so save in the freezer for later.
I’ve written a review on your page for the double Avent electric – LOVE it!! Just for future reference – do you do layby on pumps? (Breastmates – yes we have layby option for NZ customers, just choose this when you get to the shopping cart)
I bought my Avent electric pump after having a manual medela and loved it so much, can’t wait to use it again. Was so comfortable and easy to use.
I use the NUK electric pump and it’s pretty good, suction could be a bit better and I think it’s quite noisy, but am happy with it. Also I don’t use it all the time
Avent manual here too. Amazing pump! Quick, efficient and easy! I pump more milk with that than a hosp grade electric.
Mini electric is good if you are using 3/4 times a WEEK. Warranty is void if it’s used daily and breaks. (Breastmates: yes this is true) I find the Avent manual the best; have had issues with the electric part of it.
I think the most important thing is to get the right pump for the use you plan to have. Had the mini medela one for occasional use, which was great, then when I needed to express full time up got the swing, which was great too.
I had the Avent Isis manual pump, was great for us, barely used it but worked well when I did
The Avent manual breastpump is what I used and it was the best!
My sister and I share an Ameda Purely Yours double electric breastpump and it’s absolutely brilliant. My sister’s wee boy was in hospital for the first 6 months of his life so she was almost 100% expressing and she couldn’t have done it without this pump. Then when my baby came along I went back to work fulltime after 8 weeks and was pumping 6-10 times a day to increase supply. It was only when I had to use another pump while waiting on a spare part that I realised how good the Ameda is. There is nothing worse than sitting there with engorged breasts and a pump hanging off one, with tears rolling down your face because you can’t get a let down because the pump is not strong enough.
I am using the Avent electric and it’s fantastic. So quick and easy. I also have the manual one which is good if you aren’t going to be expressing every day.
Breastmates * Thanks for all your replies and feedbacks. Just a reminder for anyone else reading – the type of breast pump that you get really depends on how often you will plan on using it. Just contact us directly if you need help with anything like that. We carry the full range of spare parts for Avent and Medela, as we get a lot of customers who have melted a part or their dog chewed it etc.
Breast Pump Spare Parts – Buy Online
LOVED my Medela Swing electric breast pump!
I’ve been using a Medela Swing, and although I really like it (it is much easier to use than the Avent Isis) I have a very low milk supply and little boobs – I can’t even express enough for a full feed. Rather frustrating as it means I have to use formula when I need someone else to look after my daughter. Was hoping it would help increase my milk supply!
I used the Medela Harmony, it was fantastic. Still has all its original parts and never managed to break any of it. Was extremely comfortable and easy to use.
I used the Avent manual pump, it was really hard to get let down and I got a very sore hand! Also used a Medela electric one (not sure exactly which model) and had way better results once I got used to the noise! Avent very easy to clean & store.
I ♥ my Avent Isis manual, it did me for 4 babies including expressing full time for twins, and pumping donor milk when I was feeding lil miss. I did hire a Medela Symphony Duo when the gremlins were first born but to be honest the Isis was just as effective.
Medela swing. It was easy to use and quiet.
Medela swing, great
I had an Avent Manual/electric one, was fantastic, comfortable and fast, I used to be able to get 150mls off in about 5 minutes
I’ve used Medela electric swing and manual pump, both really great! Highly recommend it!
I am using the Medela Freestyle pump, best $700 I have ever spent, well worth its weight in gold
I used a Medela manual and electric… Must say the electric noise put me off, so I stuck with the manual one. I love that Breastmates got me a spare part for my really old manual one, they even contacted the medela importers to find the part for me as I wasn’t using one she had ever stocked! It is impossible to home clean/sterilise a breast pump, they need autoclaving if you are intending on buying one 2nd hand or sharing. No one wants anyone else’s blood born diseases!
Another mum with the medela swing. It’s awesome and lets me feed my boy EBM despite not being able to actually BF him yet (LC reckons when he hits 5kg he’ll be sweet). I use it for probably 6 hours of my day.
I had an Avent electric but found I used it more as a manual….only used it for the odd bottle and it was great!!
I love my Avent electric pump, I’m back at work and my little boy has lots of expressed milk. I don’t get much time at work to express and the Avent is quick to use and easy to clean. He just needs to learn how to take it.
I think that this is a personal choice, I used both – found the medela didn’t work for me but the Avent was great! If you can try both, I love Avent but realise that it may suit me but might not suit other mums.
Loved my Avent electric pump when I needed to get pumped quickly and now love the convenience of the Medela manual for small amounts now I have just weaned.
Only other experience with a pump previously was briefly in hospital after birth to bring milk in and it was some sort of electric one, but I bought the Medela Swing for the odd express and so far love it – quiet, easy to use and not a big deal at all!