Category Archives: Press Clippings
Scrapbook of press clippings! We’ve been busy!
Help the Medicine go Down
Help the medicine go down with this new liquid medicine dispenser, designed by a pediatrician.
Waikato Times support PND Project
Breastmates have been featured in the media in New Zealand over the past few years.
Our Products are Loved
Breastmates featured in Oh Baby magazine, winter 2011. As the recommended stockist for Hotmilk
Have a Heart for Mums with PND
Breastmates are speaking out about Post Natal Depression. Breastmates are selling charity tshirts
Milk Storage Bags
Breastmilk storage bags - presterilized bags that you can express milk into and easy freeze.
Nursing Dress
Breastfeeding Dress - featured in magazine. This is a black nursing dress suitable for
Womans Day: Signs of PND
Post Natal Depression: Here are 10 signs to look out for if you suspect you
Greatest Mum Award
Breastmates have a little certificate that you can download for free and pass onto all