Category Archives: Press Clippings

Scrapbook of press clippings! We’ve been busy!

Radio Interview

Breastmates and the Bras for Africa collection discussed on radio.

MOREfm Radio Interview

Breastmates live radio interview on MORE FM

Featured on NZ Girl

Breastmates featured on NZGirl website as an editor pick.

Nursing Necklace in Littlies

Our Nursing Necklace for breastfeeding mums and fussy / nosy babies is featured in Littlies

Have been Blogged About

I have pasted Phil Bilbrough’s article below: Phil Bilbrough: Yummy mummies and milky daddies Thursday,

NetGuide Recommendation

NetGuide prepare a feature for pregnant mothers shopping online - and feature Breastmates

Yummy Mummy Maternity Bras

Little Treasures magazine interviews Breastmates owner about Yummy Mummy Maternity Bras.

Bras for Africa

Auckland newspapers spread the word about Breastmates involvement in the Bras for Africa campaign.

Bra Crusade in Waikato Times

Waikato Times supports the Breastmates bra collection drive in the Waikato.

Oh Baby Support

OhBaby Magazine support our Bra Collection