Category Archives: Caesarean Section
A C-section is a different kind of birth, but it doesn’t make you less of a mum. Are you planning a C-section, or concerned you might need an emergency C-section after labour has begun naturally? A C-section doesn’t have to be a scary experience, and many mums found their aesereans to be a lot easier than they expected. Learn about C-sections from their honest stories.
Vasa Previa
Kirstie share's her experience of Vasa Previa
Rachel had a c-section for her 5.11 kg baby
My recovery from the c-section was pretty quick and my scar healed nicely....
Baby Didn’t Engage
Xana shares her birth story which started off as an induction and lead to emergency
C-Section Photo
Photo taken at Cesarean Section - baby just removed from uterus and surgeon cutting the
Caesarean Section Recoveries
Recovery from Cesarean Section deliveries: one hundred mums share their experience of recovery after their
Less Dilated
A mum shares the birth story of her son. Long initial labour stage, contractions
Support for VBAC
Supportive words from lots of mums who have had Vaginal Births after a Cesarean Section.
VBAC Attempt
This mum attempts a VBAC, and she laboured really well but at 5cm dilation baby
C-Section Recovery MUST Follow
With Caesarean births, also known as C-sections, taking place in around 25% of all births
Baby in Distress
A mum shares her birth story,they tried to speed up contractions after her waters broke
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