Category Archives: Bottle Feeding Mums

Support and real-life stories from mums who bottle-feed their babies. If you bottle-feed your baby, there’s nothing to be ashamed of!

At Breastmates, we believe that every mother has the right to support and non-judgemental, helpful advice, whatever way she feeds her baby.

Real mums tell about their experiences with bottle-feeding and how to overcome the feelings of guilt and frustration at others’ judgement of their decision.

Bottle Feeding Stories

Bottle feeding stories from parents that are formula feeding their babies.

Mums Talk About Buying Formula

Which formula to buy? How do you know what formula to choose? A hundred

No Regrets Switching to Formula

A mothers hares her experience of how she persevered with breastfeeding, but then made a

Transition from Breastmilk to Formula

Transitioning from breastfeeding to formula. A mum shares her experience.

Cows Milk Rather than Formula

Some babies don't take to formula, yet will happily drink normal cows milk. One

Quick Tips for Starting Formula

Quick tips on what you need to know when starting formula feeding. Suggestion on

Formula Making Baby Constipated

Is formula making your baby constipated? Here is a great tip and recipe for

Formula Feeding is Ok

Formula feeding is OK. A mothers sanity and happiness , and a baby's health

Baby Had Silent Reflux and Pain with Breastfeeding

Silent Reflux. Baby associated breastfeeding with pain, as she had silent reflux. Mum's

Feeding Twins

Feeding twins - a mum shares her experience of tandem breastfeeding her twins and then