Category Archives: Bottle Feeding

Many mums bottle-feed their babies, and we know how hard it is to find unbiased information about giving your baby a bottle. We’ve put together a comprehensive resource on bottle-feeding, including tips on establishing bottle-feeding, what equipment you’ll need to bottle-feed, how to mix formula, how to sterilise and clean your bottles, and advice from bottle-feeding mums to give you confidence and reassurance.

Storing Breast Milk

Expressing breast milk and working. We have some tips on storage, defrosting, and warming

Can I Mix Milk from Different Pumping Sessions?

Can I mix breast milk from different pumping sessions? A few guidelines.

Breast Milk Storage Bags

Breast milk storage bags made by Swisspers, are available online at Breastmates. They are

Do NOT use a Microwave to Warm Bottles

How to heat baby bottles without using a microwave. How to heat formula,

What Baby Formula to Buy

Baby Formula, and deciding what milk powder of formula to buy for your baby.

Bottle Prep When You Go Out

How to prepare baby bottles of formula when going out for the day.

Milk Leftover in Bottle

Can baby drink leftover formula from the previous feed? Can I reheat formula?

Lactose Free Formula

Mums suggest different types of lactose free formula for baby, and how some of these

Bottle Feeding Stories

Bottle feeding stories from parents that are formula feeding their babies.

Sterilising Bottles

How to sterilize baby bottles and teats. Methods you can use to sterilize baby