Category Archives: Bottle Feeding

Many mums bottle-feed their babies, and we know how hard it is to find unbiased information about giving your baby a bottle. We’ve put together a comprehensive resource on bottle-feeding, including tips on establishing bottle-feeding, what equipment you’ll need to bottle-feed, how to mix formula, how to sterilise and clean your bottles, and advice from bottle-feeding mums to give you confidence and reassurance.

Daily Routine for Bottle Feeding

Suggested daily routine for preparing bottles of formula. store them in the fridge ready

What Teat Size to Choose for Bottle Feeding?

How to know what size teat to use when Bottle Feeding. What flowrate teat

Mums Talk About Buying Formula

Which formula to buy? How do you know what formula to choose? A hundred

No Regrets Switching to Formula

A mothers hares her experience of how she persevered with breastfeeding, but then made a

Transition from Breastmilk to Formula

Transitioning from breastfeeding to formula. A mum shares her experience.

Cows Milk Rather than Formula

Some babies don't take to formula, yet will happily drink normal cows milk. One

Quick Tips for Starting Formula

Quick tips on what you need to know when starting formula feeding. Suggestion on

Formula Making Baby Constipated

Is formula making your baby constipated? Here is a great tip and recipe for

Formula Feeding is Ok

Formula feeding is OK. A mothers sanity and happiness , and a baby's health

Baby Had Silent Reflux and Pain with Breastfeeding

Silent Reflux. Baby associated breastfeeding with pain, as she had silent reflux. Mum's