Category Archives: Bottle Feeding
Many mums bottle-feed their babies, and we know how hard it is to find unbiased information about giving your baby a bottle. We’ve put together a comprehensive resource on bottle-feeding, including tips on establishing bottle-feeding, what equipment you’ll need to bottle-feed, how to mix formula, how to sterilise and clean your bottles, and advice from bottle-feeding mums to give you confidence and reassurance.
Feeding Twins
Feeding twins - a mum shares her experience of tandem breastfeeding her twins and then
Bottle Feeding and Expressing
A mum shares her experience of bottle feeding her newborn baby, and combining breast, expressing,
Permission to Stop Breastfeeding
A mum shares her journey of struggling with breastfeeding and developing post natal depression.
Don’t Be Paranoid About Bottlefeeding
A mum shares her experience of bottle feeding, and some tips on getting started.
Choosing Formula by Trial and Error
A mum shares her experience of choosing which formula to buy for her baby, and
Buy Formula Just Incase Breastfeeding Doesn’t Work
A mum shares her experience of rushing out to buy formula and bottles at midnight,
Weaning onto Goats Milk and Vege Juices
A mum shares her experience of weaning her baby off breast and onto goats milk
Glad I Switched to Formula
A mum shares her experience of deciding to stop breastfeeding and switch to formula
Low Weight Gain
A mum shares her story of combining breastfeeding and formula feeding for the best results
A Very Hungry Baby
One mother share's her baby feeding story with us, baby was born underweight, was always