Category Archives: Breastmilk Supply

Worried about your milk supply? Not enough or too much milk for your baby? Is your baby super hungry and you want to try to make more milk?

Or are your breasts engorged and you have too much milk?

Practical, supportive advice and answers to common questions about breast milk supply and what to do if you want to increase your milk supply.

The Ultimate Leakproof Nursing Bra

  🎉 Introducing “Embrace” Leakproof Nursing Bra! by Hotmilk🎉 Hey there, fellow supermums and mamas-to-be!

Increasing Pump Output

Does it feel like your milk supply drops off in the evening?

Cookie Dough Bites

Fudgey, moreish, and so easy to make and keep in the fridge for later! 

Milk Maker Breastfeeding Support

Milk Maker - breastfeeding support capsules by Two Islands

How to reduce a Fast Milk Flow

Mums share their advice for dealing with fast milk flow that baby struggles with....

Baby Struggling with Milk Flow that is Too Fast

Mums share their tips and support for another mum who says "Baby Struggling with Milk

How Long for Your Milk to Come In (after c-section)?

C-Section Mums share their experience on "How Long Did it Take for Your Milk to

Booster Biscuit mix to help new mothers

A biscuit mix that can help boost breast milk has been developed by Franny McInnes.

Breastfeeding Biscuits Launch

Today we launch our new & improved "Booster Biscuit Mix"

Breastfeeding Cookies

Kristelle has been baking up a storm with our Breastfeeding Cookies