If your medela breast pump is not working, there are a few things that you can try at home first:
- Is it there?
- What condition is it in? Has it become distorted or torn?
- Are there any cracks in the valve head?
- Is the membrane clean etc?
- Often problems can be resolved by putting on a new membrane.
Another thing is to check the breastshield and make sure it is not damaged or cracked.
If you have been using batteries make sure they are not rechargeable ones as this can mean reduced suction if the batteries have become weak.
Simple things such as making sure everything is clean and assembled correctly, making sure things are screwed in properly and tubing is pushed in properly.
Motor and Power Adaptor:
- if the pump will not switch on at all then one way to check if the adaptor is faulty is to try the pump with batteries.
- If you have got milk down the tubing, which has then entered theSwing Breast Pump motor there are instructions in the booklet that comes with the pump as to how to flush the motor out.
If you are still in doubt, either contact Breastmates or Medela Customer Service directly on 0800 503 553 (NZ).