Advice & Tips

Parenting can be hard work, and pregnant mums and new mothers sometimes need a little bit of extra help from other mums who know what they’re going through. Breastmates has created a special resource section filled with tried and tested parenting tips, common-sense advice on pregnancy and motherhood, unbiased help with infant feeding, and expert answers to your most important questions. Being a mum is the most important job you’ll ever do, and Breastmates cares about helping you to enjoy being a mum without the stress.

Baby Biting while Breastfeeding

We initially thought when reading this email was that the baby is teething, and seeking

Breast Drips Milk

I was wondering if you had a product that could help me. My problem is

Mila and Luca, from Donor Eggs

After many months of trying and seemingly having no reason to not conceive we then

40 hour labour

It was 2pm then.... my midwife popped round and checked me out that evening, I

40 hour Labour

We met when he came over to Canada on a work Visa. After a whirlwind

Almost No Amniotic Fluid

Aroha's EDD was 29th April but due to a myriad of problems was induced 2

Totally In Control

My labour with my first child was a long and slow posterior labour, but she

Birthing Pool Eases Labour

January 19th was kind of a blah day for me. I didn't really feel 'bad'

Dribble Bibs

Thea's mum recently sent me a photo of her new Dribble Bib. This is

Silicone Breast Pump

The Silicone Breast Pump.